Sunday, August 17, 2014

Social Studies: The Agricultural Revolution

We use The Story of the World series for our Primary grades (K-8) Social Studies program. This series by Susan Wise Bauer is an easy to use combination of text book, activity book, and test book. Of course, these are just the bases for the program.

Activity: The Agricultural Revolution

Text Book: Vol. 3: Early Modern Times (From Elizabeth the First to the Forty-Niners) Ch. 16: The West - Scientific Farming.

Time Limit: 2 Hours

Learning Objectives: Students will understand the implications of the Agricultural Revolution on modern farming.

Activities: Students will master the vocabulary list. Students will know who William Penn, John Locke, and Isaac Newton are. Students will read portions of the Principia Mathematica. Students will discuss the difference in social standing between peasant farmers and English Lords. Students will discuss the Universal Laws of Nature and what they mean. Students will learn about crop rotation and the life cycle of a cow, wheat, and apples. Discuss the difference between the British Acts of Enclosure and the American Law of Open Range. Watch clips from the BBC's Tales of the Green Valley. Discuss advents in Agricultural Technology such as the Seed Drill and Seed Hoppers. Work in the School Garden on two planting boxes: Wheat and Vegetables using Heirloom Varieties. Discuss Agricultural Wheel of the Year.

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